Permanent cost optimisation is an essential prerequisite for the long-term success of a company. In the case of manufacturing industry, tool supply is a decisively important cost factor.
The timely and comprehensive supply of production areas with tools is of utmost importance in the metal processing industry. Tool supply has a decisive effect on production costs here – incurred directly by procurement costs or indirectly through productivity losses caused by missing or damaged tools. Effective tool management, which includes the technical selection of tools, their procurement and making them internally available, is therefore a significant cost element.
While the selection and provision of tools is mostly regulated internally, procurement is often carried out by specialised dealers. Because users are increasingly realising that tool purchasing is one of their most cost-intensive areas, there is a growing demand in the industry for efficient supply partnerships. In some cases, the purchasing departments of production companies reach the dimensions of a full-blown trading company and regard the procurement of production equipment, even in isolation, as a technical project in its own right. Efficiency and service often fall by the wayside as a result.
This is exactly where KROMI comes in: with a broad range of services that can be tailored to your exact requirements, we optimise the entire domain of tool supply – from the analysis of your requirements through to purchasing, inventory control and invoicing.
"We will continue to expand our services for the benefit of our customers. In doing so, we have four clear priorities: tools, technology, data management and lean logistics processes."
Bernd Paulini, Vorstandsvorsitzender (CEO)