General information
All information and explanations on this website are non-binding. KROMI Logistik GmbH does not accept the responsibility for any inaccuracies and incompleteness of the content provided on this website. No guarantees are given nor accurances of product specifications are made. KROMI has no legal binding to this website. Corrections to the contents are made without delay or prior notice. Due to a delayed actualisation of this website, content can not be permanently updated. Should any questions about the content and technical details of products and services, please write or call us direct. Links to other sites are not permanently controlled. We therefor do not accept any responsibilities for the content of other linked web pages.
Download of data and software
KROMI Logistik GmbH does not accept responsibility for faulty data or software provided from any downloaded internet page. Any software provided by KROMI Logistik GmbH will be checked for any known viruses. We advise you, that any data or software downloaded should be proven by the latest virus detection software.
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The content of this internet page is copy right protected. One copy made be made for personal use, for information purposes and only on one computer, no commercial use of this internet page is allowed. Any use of the graphics or pictures, logos, texts, the copying sending or downloading or general usage in any form, may only be used with the prior written permission obtained from KROMI Logistik GmbH . Listed Brands or Trademarks from known products are registered Trademarks. The improper use of these Brands or Trademarks may lead to injunction relief and/or prosecution.
Obligation to observe confidentiality
It can not be guaranteed that the information or personal details passed on to us are not used or restricted in use by a third person.
KROMI Logistik GmbH is not liable for any damage, especially non-provable consequential damages to data, systems or losses on claims made by a third party that claims these losses were caused by the use of this internet page or the downloading of this internet page. If any fault in the use of this internet page by downloading, copying is caused by carelessness or a gross negligence then liability lies with the user. Should the use of this internet page be the cause of any private or public prosecution against KROMI Logistik GmbH then this shall be conducted under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The KROMI Logistic GmbH is a registered company and under the jurisdiction of Hamburg. Any resulting claims should therefore by filed under the Hamburg jurisdiction.
Data protection
KROMI Logistik GmbH would like to convey the trust of all Web users and for this reason all personal data given and gathered via this internet page and how it is used is readily open.
Explanation to Data Protection
Internet pages issued by KROMI Logistk GmbH are available to see and view without the request of any personal information. Should your name or address be requested, of which you will receive prior notice, then this is in the interests of trying to make your internet access and usage of the KROMI Logistik GmbH internet pages more accessible and the service of KROMI Logistik GmbH better for you. If you have decided to give KROMI Logistik GmbH your personal details e.g. for ordering a product of any kind. Then KROMI Logistik GmbH assures you that information provided will be handled according to the German Data protection laws (BDSG) and great care will be adhered to this information.
Information collected through observing the KROMI Logistik GmbH internet pages (i.e. IP-Addresses, time, date, pages observed). This information is used and saved only to produce usage statistic table for the KROMI Logistik GmbH to evaluate. During this process all regulations of the Media Protection laws of Germany (TDDSG) will be strictly observed along with the Telecommunication regulations for Companies (TDSV) for your protection. No personnel statistics are made or taken for evaluation. Anonymisied data remains a reserved right.
Information concerning Data Protection within Germany can be found under:
Information to a Third party
Should any personal information be past on to a third party for whatever reasons then privacy policy of KROMI Logistik GmbH are bound to the German Laws and regulations of the (BDSG). KROMI Logistik GmbH is duty bound or ordered by law to forward your details to the authorities as required and requested. In any other cases then KROMI Logistik GmbH will not forward your details without prior obtained written request from yourself to any other third party.
KROMI Logistik GmbH saves your personal data on special secured servers in Germany. The access to these servers are restricted to only a few specially trained personnel within the KROMI Logistik AG.
Right of Retraction
Should you request your personal details not to be used for contact details or to be erased by KROMI Logistik GmbH then this will be carried out.
Any Data being still being used for the processing of orders or any other form of urgent business transaction which is company related then we request your understanding that this transaction must be completed before any changes to or termination of data to our customer related data base be carried out.
Cookies will be emplaced during an online session and text information is collected and placed on the hard drive on the user in a special data ASCII-Format (cookie.txt). Where the cookie is saved on the users hard drive is controlled by the browser of the user. Cookies are parts of information that assist by the next visit online which are resent to the original server and can only be read by the server which place them.
KROMI Logistik GmbH places cookies only when they are urgently required for the user functions. (e.g. ease in navigation of websites). Information gathered is not shared to a third party as cookies are only used as described above.
Most browsers are automatically set up to accept cookies. This function can however be changed from this default process. Preferences can be set up in such a way as to alert you when cookies need to be saved or downloaded.
The websites from KROMI Logistic GmbH also offer links to other websites. KROMI Logistic GmbH has no influence in the reaction to the content of these websites that the other operators provide or what their Privacy Policy may be.
The Internet pages of KROMI Logistik GmbH in normal circumstances do not contain advertisements. Should advertisements be place then only over an AdServer. Compiled data which has been collected concerning the online advertisement (AdImpressions, AdKlicks) are only to serve the purpose of production of a statistical reporting process for advertising customers. In this case no personal data of any kind is used. By the generation of advertisements cookies may be placed on your systems over which KROMI Logistic GmbH has no influence.
KROMI Logistik GmbH
Tarpenring 7-11
22419 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 53 71 51 – 0
KROMI Logistik GmbH is represented by: CEO Bernd Paulini, CFO Christian Auth
Register jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Commercial Register
Registration number: HRB 186916
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (VAT identification number) according to § 27a of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG, Sales Tax Law): DE220008195
Data privacy statement
Here you will find the Data Privacy Statement of KROMI Logistik GmbH. more...
DIN/ISO 9001 certificate
Here you will find the DIN/ISO 9001 certificate of KROMI Logistik. more...